DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is a file format for medical imaging that combines pixels and clinical data in one file.

For the basics, see LifeWire’s What Is a DICOM File?


The National Electrical Manufacturers Association maintains the primary reference for the DICOM format.

Two important bits are:

Deidentification and anonymization

Because the DICOM format combines both image and data, they typically contain plenty of PII and PHI. For research purposes, deidentification and anonymization is the first step.


  • DICOM Library is an image sharing service for education and research.
  • Pydicom is a pure Python package for working with DICOM files such as medical images, reports, and radiotherapy objects.
  • You can tell Vladsiv is a funny guy because he starts off his DICOM File Format Basics article by thanking his former colleagues for introducing him to DICOM.