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New York Block chain bros think it’s hip. It’s an abstruse language used by few and understood by fewer… It’s Haskell!

Fresh from functional programming summer school, which was super-fun, I’m jazzed up about Haskell. So, if you are too, here’s a pile of links bigger than the average wiener-roast.

Learning Haskell



  • John Hughs paper Why Functional Programming Matters with talks available on YouTube.
  • Monads for Functional Programming, Philip Wadler
  • Theorems for free, Philip Wadler
  • Applicative programming with effects, McBride and Paterson
  • Monoids: Theme and Variations, Brent Yorgey

ML/NLP in Haskell

Mathematical background

After years of graduate school you may eventually understand functors, applicatives and monads. Trust us. It’s worth it.


Category theory


  • The Software Foundations series is a broad introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software.